“To meet a teacher who so deeply embodies the material they teach, is a rare and profoundly transformative experience. I can’t say this loudly enough; if you get a chance to study with Satu, take that opportunity.”
A.W. Body-Mind Centering® student
I am a somatic activist, practitioner, therapist, facilitator and a pioneer in Ecosomatics, with over 30 years of training in movement, anatomy, improvisation, therapy and pedagogy.
My pedagogical vision and desire is to foster collaborative and co-creative learning spaces, where information is generously shared and practiced without holding onto specific outcomes - allowing deep repatterning and a sense of agency to emerge in relationship with other/s.
In my therapeutic work I seek to cultivate a similar process of embodied emergence. Letting curiosity and agency arise from the creation and gentle holding of the relational field that promotes enough safety, enough comfort and enough bonding, so that we may meet and know ourselves, and others, more deeply and more fully.
In this time and culture that we are collectively moving through at the moment, trusting our bodies innate timing and wisdom is not always a simple task. Through my practice I seek to generate spaces where that process might become slightly more possible, available and supported. That, I trust, can make a huge difference in how we show up to ourselves and to others in this world, which so desperately longs for our full, embodied presence.
I graduated in Participatory Arts and Somatic Research from Moving On Center in Oakland, California in 1999 which deeply influenced my understanding of somatic work as a necessarily participatory and inevitably political practice. Social somatics - somatics as a work for social and environmental justice - has been my guiding light ever since. It was at Moving On Center, where I begun to articulate my personal approach to somatic pedagogy, and to the practice that would later emerge as ecosomatics.
After MOC, I received further certifications in Dynamic Embodiment - Somatic Movement Therapy Training (DEP), Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis (CLMA) with Integrated Movement Studies and Somatic Movement Education (SME), Practitioner Program (CP), Infant Developmental Movement Education (IDME) and Teacher Training (CT) from the School for Body-Mind Centering®.
During my years of training, I have been able to study and practice with several renowned teachers and elders of the somatic work, including Anna Halprin, Peggy Hackney, Suprapto Suryodarmo, and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, whom I’ve assisted on several of her in-person workshops, including Embodying the Embryological Foundations of Movement (Berkeley, CA 2018), Embodying the Autonomic Nervous System (New York City, 2018) and Embodying Authenticity, Organicity, and Expression: Organs and Glands as a Foundation for Movement and Voice (Pomona, CA 2019). The work of Body-Mind Centering® continues to be my deepest love when it comes to somatic practices - as it has provided me with wide enough field to keep exploring what it means to inhabit this human form on this planet along with all other forms of life.
I am a trained and certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (BCST) and currently work as an assistant tutor with the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust , both in their practitioner training and their teaching clinic. I’m also a certified Massage Therapist (CMT), with supplementary trainings in various touch practices, including myofascial bodywork (Anatomy Trains) and cadaver dissection with Gil Hedley.
After spending several years studying yoga and meditation in India in the early 1990’s, I continued to study dance, performance and improvisation in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. I received my Masters degree in Live Art & Performance Studies from the Theater Academy of Helsinki (2005-07), during which I begun my Ecosomatic research, creating participatory approaches for performance and pedagogy.
I have been teaching somatic movement practices since 1997.
In 2013 and 2014, I organized and co-directed the Moving On Center - School of Participatory Arts and Somatic Research Somatic Education and Socially Conscious Body modules with Carol Swann in Berlin. Since 2020 I’ve been leading my own somatic education training SOLU in Finland. It is one of the very few non-english speaking somatic programs in the world.
I also teach with the School for Body-Mind Centering® certification programs around the world, and am on the faculty of Eino Roiha Institute's Dance Movement Therapy Training in Jyväskylä, Finland. I have been a visiting teacher in the Theater Academy of Helsinki since 2004, where I mentor students and teach eco/somatic approaches to performance, ecology, movement studies and pedagogy. At the moment I’m part of the faculty for Swedish speaking acting program, teaching Somatics and Ecosomatics for the BA and MA students.
I’ve been honored to receive two residencies and two substantial grants from the Kone Foundation - a one-year working grant for my Ecosomatic research in 2017, following my residency on the same subject in 2014, and a three year collaborative grant for somatic research in 2020 with BMC® colleague Sarah Barnaby. I am currently part of a working group exploring the mining industry practices in Finland, also supported by the Kone Foundation.
I am an ISMETA registered Somatic Movement Therapist & Educator and have been working privately with clients since 2001.
I’m also a Professional Member and a current Board Member of the Body-Mind Centering Association (BMCA).
I am also a registered professional member of the International Cranial Association (ICrA).